A gas blast shakes a network and leaves one dead in Kentucky

A gas blast shook a network in Kentucky and left one individual dead early Thursday, specialists said.

Specialists emptied occupants in Moreland after the blast, the Lincoln District Sheriff's Office said. The quantity of individuals emptied was not promptly accessible.

A safe house has been set up at a nearby church. The Perryville Local group of fire-fighters said that fundamental reports demonstrate that a gas line burst.

Sofia Nunez was at home in Moreland, Kentucky, when the blast occurred.

"There was a noisy clamor and it seemed like a tornado was outside our home. When you ventured outside you could hear the blazes and feel the warmth. It shook the house for about 30 minutes after the blazes showed up and neighbors windows were broken," Nunez told CNN.

Charlie Lynch, in Danville, woke up to the entire sky lit up from the blast. He said he drove 10-15 minutes before taking video, with blazes and smoke unmistakable the entire way.